Charleston South Carolina Weather
Average annual temperatures, rainfall, sunrise and sunset times for Charleston SC. This weather chart will help you plan your vacation or wedding in Charleston.

Charleston Average Monthly Temperatures & Climate
Month |
Avg High |
Avg Low |
Precipitation |
January |
58 F |
38 F |
3.5 inches |
February |
61 F |
40 F |
3.3 inches |
March |
69 F |
47 F |
4.3 inches |
April |
76 F |
54 F |
2.7 inches |
May |
85 F |
63 F |
4.0 inches |
June |
88 F |
69 F |
6.4 inches |
July |
90 F |
73 F |
6.8 inches |
August |
89 F |
72 F |
7.2 inches |
September |
85 F |
68 F |
4.7 inches |
October |
77 F |
56 F |
2.9 inches |
November |
69 F |
47 F |
2.5 inches |
December |
62 F |
41 F |
3.1 inches |
Charleston Average Sunrise & Sunset Times
Month |
Sunrise |
Sunset |
January |
7:22 |
5:36 |
February |
7:03 |
6:05 |
March |
7:30 |
7:28 |
April |
6:50 |
7:50 |
May |
6:21 |
8:12 |
June |
6:11 |
8:30 |
July |
6:22 |
8:29 |
August |
6:43 |
8:05 |
September |
7:03 |
7:27 |
October |
7:23 |
6:47 |
November |
6:49 |
5:19 |
December |
7:14 |
5:15 |
Our visitors often use misspellings and abbreviations for Charleston,
South Carolina including Charlston, Carlina, SC, So Carolina, So Car. Users
also use Low Country or Lowcountry to describe Charleston.
Those words are included for user convenience.