Advertising On Dream Charleston

Delivering New Business
Right To Your Front Door
Advertising Options
We strengthen your competitive advantage by capturing leads through web
search and referrals from compatibly related websites which we continuously
expand. Those potential customers are then referred to your website where
they could become one-step closer to becoming your next loyal client.
Our target audience are those with a zest for travel, vacationers and
residents that are seeking solution providers. We help build your business
by driving highly qualified leads right to your front door. The following
online advertising options will prominently position your products and
services squarely in the heart of a desirable target audience 24/7 at a
fraction of the cost of print promotion.
Basic Listings..... Free.
View Example.
Basic Listings appear below Preferred Listings.
A limited number of Basic Listings are free with a link from
your home page to our site.
Submit your Basic Listing Request.
1. Must have a website.
2. Listing includes Company Name and a maximum of 20 words of description.
3. Company name will link to your website.
4. Description does not include address or phone number.
Preferred Listings..... $200 Calendar
View Example.
Preferred Listings appear below Featured Ads.
Includes a dedicated Advertiser Profile Page.
1. Website not required.
2. Listing includes Company Name and about 40 words of description.
3. Company name links to an Advertiser Profile Page.
4. Profile Page includes Company Name, Address, 150 Word Description and Website Link.
Featured Ads.....$375 Calendar
Year. View Example.
Featured Ads appear below Spotlight Ads in the main content area of
selected topic pages.
Only three featured ads will be presented per topic page.
1. One-time Ad Design Fee: $100.
2. Advertiser may provide ad to our specifications.
3. Ad can link to the advertiser's website or an optional Dedicated
Custom Ad Page.
Spotlight Ad..... $500 Calendar
Annual. View Example.
Spotlight Ads are the strongest advertising positions and reside at the
top of the main content area of selected topic pages.
Only one spotlight advertiser will be featured per topic page.
1. One-time Ad Design Fee: $100.
2. Advertiser may provide ad to our specifications.
3. Ad can link to the advertiser's website or an optional Dedicated Custom Ad Page.
Sidebar Button Banner Ads.
125 Pixels x 125 Pixels square.
Sidebar Ads reside in the rightside advertiser area above Google Ads.
View Example.
1. Home Page..........$650 Calendar Year
2. Inside Pages.......$150 First Ad/Calendar Year.
$75 Each Additional Page Placed at Same Time.
Bottom Leaderboard....$1200 Calendar
View Example.
The 728 Pixel x 90 Pixel Leaderboard Ads appear at the bottom of every web page.
A maximum of five (5) Advertisers. Ads will auto-rotate for equalized impressions.
Strategic Partner Program.....$2000 LIFETIME*
A one-time fee. Never a renewal fee. A Lifetime of prominent advertising as long as the Advertiser is in business.
Strategic Partners maximize exposure potential with the most prominent positioning in the site. It delivers enhanced prestige in the heart of resident and vacationer arenas.
1. Limited to a maximum of 10 Strategic Partners.
2. Ten Strategic Partners will auto-rotate within one 125 x 200 Pixel Sidebar Ad placed at the top rightside position on every website page.
3. Rate includes a Dedicated Custom Ad Page.
5. Listed on the Strategic Sponsor Partner Page.
6. One time Ad Design Fee: $300 (Partner may provide ad)
*Volume discounts for multiple City Vacation Guide websites.
Ad change-out and revision fees apply.
Custom Full Dedicated Ad Page.....$500 Calendar Year.
This option is great for advertisers that do not have a website.
View Example.
1. Rates include a Preferred Listing.
2. Ad links from a complimentary Preferred Listing, Spotlight or Featured Ad.
3. One-time Ad Design Fee: $300.
4. Advertiser may provide ad to our specifications.
Note: Client updates - $75 per hour. Ad change-outs on furnished
ads, $50 per change-out.
Custom Advertising. Contact Us With Your Ideas.
We have many other City ASAP Guides across the USA.
Volume advertising packages are available.
Ad Specifications
Ad rates are based upon client furnished ads in JPEG format to the exact
dimensions. We do not recommend Flash or animated ads. Ad
rates are per calendar year of January through December. An initial short
year will be prorated with all renewals due each November 1 for the following
calendar year. Advertisers must agree to our Terms
of Advertising.
1. Sidebar Banner Ad: 125 pixels x 125 pixels
2. Spotlight Ad: 384 pixels wide x 233 pixels tall
3. Featured Ad: 384 pixels wide x 128 pixels tall
4. Custom Ad Page: 400 pixels wide x 1600 pixels tall
5. Bottom Leaderboard: 728 pixels wide x 90 pixels tall
Advertising Interest Form.